Showing posts with label slideshow freeware. Show all posts
Showing posts with label slideshow freeware. Show all posts

Friday, May 29, 2015

Slideshow Freeware Focusky to Create Well-organized Presentations out of PPT

Microsoft PowerPoint is a leading presentation tool among slideshow software, which does make it convenient to create digital presentations. Since its launch, it has gained in popularity with people from all walks of life. Unfortunately, it is still not a perfect presentation maker. Its linear nature makes it difficult to create a well-organized presentation. This weakness results in readers not to understand the relation between slides at a glance until they read through the whole presentation. It is not a good idea to inspire reader’s interest at first.

Let Focusky help you to make a well-organized presentation! As a new-generation free slideshow software, Focusky makes use of a large canvas where you can put slides. The canvas gives you great freedom to organize your slides. According to the relationship between slides, you can place slides in process structure, hierarchy structure, pyramid structure and much, making it easy and quick for readers to catch the structure of presentation. In addition, you can directly transform your PPT into Focusky presentation without creating a new one from scratch.

In this post, I would like to show you how to make a well-structured presentation out of PPT with Focusky.

Step1. Launch Focusky.

Step2. Click “New Project From PPT” -> Import a PPT file from your local computer -> In the pop-up window, select the slides to add into the new project; in the meanwhile, you can re-order slides by dragging -> In the next step, select one of slide layouts, including Circle Layout, Helix Layout, Tree Layout and Radiation Layout etc. -> Select a template -> Click “Next” to create the project.

Step3. Edit presentation, like add or delete slides, add animation effects, embed multimedia and so on.

Step4. Publish. You can publish your presentation to Focusky Cloud, or publish to local in HTML, ZIP, APP, EXE and Video formats.